

Rejoice Misi
What’s the blog about?
It’s about trying to make it through life when you’re broke, because everyone is going through some hard times right now because of cuts and other things so having a few things to kind of help you through it is amazing. It will have tips on best places to buy designer clothes at a good price, vintage shop reviews and best places to go out on a budget and still have fun.
Why start the blog?
I started it because I don’t think that life should stop just because you’re broke. The way that people talk about being broke like it’s a illness that stops you from enjoying life.. Don’t get me wrong being broke is not the most fun in the world but that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy your life. Originally I was going to do a blog about Vintage and Thrift shops but I realized that I don’t just shop at vintage shops so why not do a blog about everything and anything.
Favorite place to shop
I love Vintage shops, mainly because you can find bargains within them, like in one near my house I saw a pair of Gucci high heels for £25... BARGIN!!
One thing you can’t leave home without
I’m stuck between Vaseline and music. Vaseline because having dry lips is not okay and music because I love living in my own bubble.
One random fact about yourself
I eat jelly raw. 

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