
Long Hair Don't Care

My last post got me thinking about hair which then got me thinking about how expensive getting hair done is now-days. As a black girl living in London I know the pain of handing over money to a woman who pulled and played with my hair.  I remember getting a weave put in a small back room of a barber shop; I had to wait 4 hours for her finish prodding at this bald scalp on this ageing woman and then I had to go one pack of hair even though I know I have a big head and one pack won’t look alright, but I though hey ho she’s the hair dresser. 1 and half hours of scalp torture later I had this messed head of hair and she expected me pay £30 for the whole experience. As you can image I was livid. I went home and a few weeks later I got sick of looking at my head and bought a extra pack and put it in and cut it myself. Got me thinking why don’t I do my hair myself? And what a load of cash I’d be saving.
my hair did it all by myself

I know it sounds daunting but trust me it’s a) not that hard b) anyone can do. Now, now I’m not asking you to cut your own hair but if you’re brave enough to do it then by all means go for it. But ladies ask yourself, how many times have you had a weave in and it start coming un-done so you had to put sewn it back up to make it last? I think that every time I had a weave done at a salon I’ve had to do some repair work. Doing such simple things as trimming your ends, doing braid, weaves and dying your hair can be done at home and you save yourself a pretty penny as well. For example I got my hair oops I mean I did my hair last week. I’ve got some long thick braids that only cost me the packs of X-pression where as in a hair salon it would have cost me a 70. I mean my fingers hurt afterwards but there’s a sense of satisfaction in having done my own hair and it didn’t take as long as I thought. 

weave in this all my work :)
How do I learn this money saving skill, I hear you thinking. Well I’ll tell you how I learnt 1st was by having braids falling out so I had to put them back in and they’d fall out again so I’d put them back in until they stay. 2nd was by how our generation are learning to do everything.. Youtube! After watching a videos don't be afraid to do it yourself!!

If you think you can’t do hair or if you just don’t want to, then befriend someone who does hair rather good and get them to do your hair at mate rates, in other words free. Or you could go to a training salon where they charge a fraction of the price because it would be trainees doing your hair.    

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